
We live in a technology-driven environment where modern amenities have become a part of our life. It is not mobiles, computers, or vehicles that are regularly upgraded. Our home and office also need to be improved. A safe and secure environment is essential for a peaceful life; hence we need to keep our home equipped with modern security devices like home security systems.

Gone are the days when we had to depend on security guards for a complete watch on your property. Thanks to the advanced technology that has made the work of home security easier and manageable. If you are planning to install a home security system for your home, Simplisafe will serve the purpose!


Benefits of Simplisafe

Whole-Home Protection

Each door or window is the entry and exit point, and a burglar can use barge into your house from these points. Hence protection for all the entry points is essential, and Simplisafe does the same. It covers every room, window, and door against probable threats like burglary, fire, medical emergencies, water leakage, and more.

Invisible Sensors

Simplisafe security system uses sensors, and it is invisible to naked eyes. Invisible rays cover your entire house for protection and safety.

Robust System

The security system’s objective is gone if it does not stand storms, weak wifi, power outages, bats infiltration, etc. Simplisafe provides continuous support against all these odds.

No Middleman – There is no role of middleman between customer and company. The company directly interacts with its customers and address their feedbacks. This enables customers to avail the services at honest and fair pricing.

Latest Models – The newest model of Simplisafe comes in handy models, but there is no compromise with its functionality. The range of these small-sized models is double in performance.

Cheaper Monthly Monitoring Fees – You can start or stop the professional monitoring of your place at ease.

Phone Controlled System – You can easily control the security system comfortably from your phone. You can activate or deactivate the system whenever you need it from your phone from anywhere.

Coverage – The size of your house may vary, but the function of Simplisafe will not change. It will give your home of any size complete protection.

Water Damage Protection – Simplisafe is not just for detecting burglars and intruders. It is equally alert for water damages. It prompts instantly as soon as it senses a fault or infiltration, and an alert is sent to you immediately.

Simplisafe is nothing less than your security guard that is directly linked to the police. Moreover, you can easily monitor your home from anywhere if the system indicates any trouble.

The intruders and burglars are human, and Simplisafe is designed to detect the unique heat signature of humans, keeping your pets away from the detection range. The keypad of the system has in-built lights so that it lights up when you need it. It is effortless to install the system without the need for drilling and wiring.

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St. Secure Server

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